Sunday 17 July 2016

Summary of "Allah and Eva. Frauen in Pakistan." by Betsy Udink (2007)

-  Women are not protected:
  • If her husband cries three times "I  divorce/abandon you" a divorce is valid acc. to Islam; but acc. to civil law it is valid until the husband has given notice of it at the registry office => if she marries a second time (also if after prescribed time span of three months) without her husband giving notice she can be accused of adultery ("Zina") => punishment possible acc. to Hudud-orders of Koran, which demand whipping  as  a punishment and which were adopted by Zia ul-Haq in 1979 and changed into a imprisonment fine
  • honour killings (karo kari): punishement for this is only three months imprisonment; it is prohibited to grieve about someone who was killed that way; retaliation (Qisas) by Wali possible and blood money (Diyat), which is prescribed by a council of elders (Jirga); warden (Wali) is allowed to forgive the murderer and therefore those murderers won't get any punishment at all
  • many die of stove burning with their dupatta
- 30% of all Pakistani women can read and write and 60% of all Pakistani men
- Pakistani health system is the worst in Asia
- Burka and arabian Abayas; long grey or dark blue jacket ("Manteau") is sign of fundamentalist women in Turkey, Irak, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan
- In 19th century cursing the other was a game of Christians and Muslims called Mubahahala
- ideologue of muslim fundamentalism is Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (+1979) (with Egypt Sayyid Qutb) who founded the Jamaat e Islami (this party's newspaper is called "Jasarat") and stirred up hatred against the Ahmadis and the Ismailis
- Shalwar Kameez was originally the costume of the Parsis; fundamentalists parties union (MMA) want to abolish all insurances, close all jails, dismiss all clerks who do not pray five times a day
- SAHIL is an organisation against the sexual abuse of boys: those prostitute boys (Balkay/Bachabzai) are tradition in Pashtu regions, this is an effect of the distance of men an woman (Purdah) in the culture (often truckers have those Balkays whom they also train)
- acc. to islamic law a statement of a woman is worth only half; rule of Koran to have not more than four women; belief that the gardens of paradise (Janna) would be full of virgins (Huris) and with family members and everybody would be 33 years old); islamic prohibition of adopting a child; islamic law: 1/8 of property of husband is the maximum all his wives can inherit; muslim women cannot be friends with non-muslim women; children can be beaten from the age of 10 on when they dont
- book "Women who deserve to go to Hell" by Egypt Mansur Abdul Hakim (2000 Karachi), "bringing up children in Islam" by Ulwan (2004) prohibits chess games and music etc.
- Jugnu Mohsin from "The Friday Times" is against the Hudud-laws
- Pillion passengers on motorcycles commit the most murders => on some islamic feast days riding with an associate in motorcycles is prohibited
- Jaish-e-Mohammed is a islamic organization who first committed assaults on Indians in Kashmir but now kills pakistani Christs and western foreigners
- RAW = indian secret service
- some wear Jinnah-cap made of an unborn lamb fur also in the heat
- celebration of birthday not good in some islamic thought => no celebration of prophets birthday in Saudi Arabia
- every violence in Pakistan is related to religion or/and estate
- many Christians in Pakistan have adopted the name "Masih" from Messiah
- there are only two lawyers in all Pakistan who defend victims of blasphemy laws: Asma Jehangir and Hina Jilani
- the only Pakistani with noble price was Ahmadi Dr. Abdul Salam (Mirzai is a swear word for Ahmadis); Ahmadis are proibited to come to Saudi Arabia
- transvestites (Hijras)
- religious songs (Qawwalis)
- Ramadan can only begin when some special committee (Ruet i hilal) has seen the new moon
- only place in Pakistan to go skiing is Malam Jabba
- best mangos in the south of Sindh
- the selling of an organ is prohibited in islam. Nevertheless many sell one kidney to pay one marriage
- Abdul Qader Khan is the father of the Pakistani atom bomb, who has stolen the know how from Urenco, a british-german-netherlandish company for Uran making; he also sold knowledge to Libyia and Iran
- Some hunt Houbaras (Rebhühner), bcs they think it will make them more potent
- many young boys are forced to work as camel jockeys
- Mohenjo Daro: last ernest research done there in 1965, pumps against salt water were destroyed or stolen by inhabitants
- Balochis think of themselves as being subdued by Panjabis => three wars against the Khans, Sardars and Nawabs of Baluchistan till 1970s (Bhutto used Napalm against his own fellow coresidents; Khan of Khalat and kalabagh thinks it was a mistake to join Pakistan in 1947
- teachers in Madrasas earn 1500 rupies per Month, teachers on state schools 5000 Rupies

Saturday 16 July 2016

Summary of "Selbst denken. Eine Anleitung zum Widerstand" of Harald Welzer (2013)

* most powerful NGO of Germany is the ADAC
* 30-40% of food is thrown away in USA and Europe respectively
* for car races like Formel 1 in Bahrain the sand is glued together with a chemical substances in order to prevent it from falling into the faces of the drivers
* countries with natural resources (called "storehouses of matter" by Isaac Newton) important for industry
  thesis of Robert Solow, the 1974 nobel price winner for economy, that humanity can live without natural resources
* (bio capacity : ecological footprint) times 365 = overshoot-day
* "Einsicht dringt meist nicht bis zum Verhalten vor, weil das Verhalten nicht auf Einsicht beruht."
* Jeremy Rifkin is a restless saviour of the world and travels to politicians in order to tell them it is important to protect the climate
* since Shell tried to bury oil platform in the sea ("Brent Spar") in 1995 which was prevented by Greenpeace the focus of attention of industrial entrepreneurs was the prevention of inhuman production conditions => less work of children (GAP, NIKE; Apple: Foxconn)
* capitalist symbols (like brands Gucci, Versace) make people who are critical in the beginning in regard to the system (i.e. Sex Pistols) tradeable and therefore not critical (Bob Geldof, Bono's music)
* one can do "Carrot mobs" to sustain stores
* the consuming one isnt consuming but is consumed by product (thesis of Hartmut Rosa)
* the less amount of a ressource is available the higher the price => standing ovations at the Chicago trade market for raw materials (CBOT) in the case of a crop failure
* cars are not a lot more ecological destructive than horses (or seen as better in the beginning): they had to be fed from land which could have given eight humans the same food as one horse, and their dung was on the street
* every day 100 species go extinct, 50 000 hectare forest is cleared
* Andy Warhols prognosis:sometime everybody will be a star for 15 Minutes

* lifestyle of letting go (LORAF: Lifestyle of Relief and Fun)
* Recycling
* school system of learning units so that 15 year olds teach 11 year olds i.a.

* Thesis of Steven Pinker 2011 (author of book "Gewalt"): globally there was a trend to less violence: wars of 20th century: 180 Mio. people killed, but in premodern societies 13% of all people died of violence
* the concept of "Salutogenese" (german), the evolution of health, was invented by Aaron Antonovsky

* Wikipedia founded in 2001
* open furniture design project by Ronen Kadushin : Sketch-Chair project;
Open Architecture Network; Projekt Architecture for Humanity;
* coperative cloths network: "OpenWear";
Open Prosthetics Project
*,; Attac, MacPlanet
*Upcycling: Hertforder Recycling exchange
* micro credits like 1983 founded Grameen Bank takes high interest (20-40%)
* problem of brain artist Schereschewskij to be able to remember everything
* story of Bionade till 2011

negative sides
* in 1920s producers of lightbulbs found that it isnt profitable to build long lasting light bulbs: 1924: no bulb should last longer than 1000 hours (
* 1938 a audio drama/radio play of H.G. Wells' "Krieg der Welten" about an Invasion from space made 2 Million Americans thought it was real and ran to the streets, telephone lines were blocked for hours

*12.11.2008 a New York Times edition with only good (made up) news by Yes Men Igor Vamos and Jacques Servin
* Green Music Initiative made Discos with bikes etc.
* Ilona Parsch made an ecological friendly cleansing agent made of beetroot

Monday 4 July 2016

Summary of "Indien. Ein Länderportrait." by Bernhard Imhasly, Berlin 2015.

  • 1813 removal of trade monopoly of East India company
  • 1882 liberal Lord Ripon becomes viceroy: Indians allowed to become lawyer
  • friend of this viceroy (Allan O. Hume) and the first british member of the House of Commons, who was of asiatic origin (Parsi D. Naoroji),founded a commission for self determination (Swaraj)
  • Around 1900 all inhabitants of India were called Hindoos (there were "muslim Hindoos" as well, and Brahamans were seen as separate from the Hindoos
  • idea of democracy influenced Shudra from Pune (Jyotiba Phule), who fighted the caste system and broke taboos, like marrying a widow and giving lessons to children of Dalits and shudras and founding the first school for girls in India (Phule was called "Mahatma" Great Soul, by a congress of non-brahamans in Bombay)
  • Gandhi played with his dress (dressed like a Gujarati-farmer), motivated with the cry "Do or die!", was killed by a Brahman (N. Godse) who falsely claimed Gandhi was responsible for the division of India into India and Pakistan (2900 km border, still no treaty for it - "Line of Control" LOC) - Land of the Pure (Pakistan) wanted by Mohammed Ali Jinnah. 
  • ....Bigha = measurement for area..
  • 21 official languages, 1579 other languages, over 5000 dialects; since 1952 riots against official languages
  • 1947 10 Mio moved
  • since 1950s more and more states (1971 17, 1981 23, 2015 29; maybe 2020 32 with separation of Uttar Pradesh)
  • division of the separation of power: 1993 the constitution gave power of decision to an ancient form of village councils (Panchayat) - often they are more powerful than mayors
  • deities: local, family, mystic Sai Baba of Shirdi
  • Tuesday is the traditional Sunday of the Hindoos
  • feast of Karvachoth in October/November: women feast for their husband one day
  • Gurus become helpers of day-to-day life (Jaggi, Sathya Sai Baba, SriSri Ravishankar, Amritanandamayi, Mata Amritanandamayi)
  • English men prohibited mission; Christs in India longer than in Europe
  • defendors of Hindutva dont accept separation of state and society (Hindu Mahasabha since 1924), think tolerance is only good towards tolerant religions; Gowalkar founded RSS in 1926; murderer of Gandhi was member of RSS; RSS never resisted caste division; Modi also of RSS but luckily also self proclaimed pupil of Ramakrishna, a pupil of Swami Vivekananda, who accepted all religions and liked social equality of islam and christianity)
  • only 13 percent Muslims (before partition 35%)
  • 1927 foundation of congress of the disenfranchised (Ambedkar)
  • officially no castes acc. to constitution
  • Adivasi 7% (744 groups "ST" Scheduled Tribes), Dalits 15% (1108 groupsScheduled Castes (SC))
  • social reformers: Narayana Guru (established Shiva as god as he was also as a God from a low caste); Tamil E. Periyar
  • Brahamans have become the disenfrenchised
  • Other Backward Classes (OBC): 3742 castes of them  became part of the Quota rule additionally to Dalits an Adivasis in 1990 => OBC, ST, SC get 50% of all university places (also without quota there are 1000 students for each place at univerity) (very unjust, but made because 64% of Indias population are OBCs), also Modi is an OBC
  • Modi is a Ghanchi from the caste of oil mongers, a Shudra; but this caste was included in a higher caste "Housing Society"
  • nearly half of the 55 billionaires of India are Baniyas from Gujrat (e.g. Mittal) and only three Brahmans, all from South India (e.g. founder of Infosys); they are not philantrophic, e.g. nobody of the 20 richest indians is in the billionaire congress of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates

  • Parsi came in ca 900 AD to Gujarat via ship, Persians send them milk jug to tell them go away here you have some supplies for the travel, but Parsis send the Milk back mixed with sugar
  • Tatas are also Parsis
  • 69 000 Parsi in India, 30 000 abroad
  • India never signed the Geneva Convention on Refugees
  • Millions of nepalese live in India where they can vote also, without having an indian passport
  • indian schoolkids learn that christians and muslims were always conquerors, not that they were refugees
  • Sufis were refugees from orthodox muslims and were inspired by Bhakti-worship
  • with the muslims in North India the clans of the Ashrafis took over the place of Brahmans. They boasted of being the scions of the Prophet (Sayyids) or mongols (Mughals, Pathans). Those who were not the Ashrafis were the indians converted to islam
  • most of communists are brahmans
  • Syrian Christians = church of the Brahmans; Latin Christians = subcastes; Sects = Dalits
  • indian state doesnt admit foreign missionaries anymore
  • special laws for muslims indian muslim disadvantaged if she gets divorced; 1986 india prohibitied islamic support of widows; 
  • there are tax advantages for Hindus (being a part of a "Hindu undivided family")
  • difficult to convert Hindus: converted Hindu looses her/his right to heritage if she or he is the only person in the family to convert and a converted Hindu woman loses heir right to care for her children bcs of a conversion to islam or christian faith
  • "Indic Religions" Hindu, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, have a different status than "Foreign Religions" although Christianity is in India since 2000 years
  • Hindoos incorporate other religions (Jain Tirthankara are gods, gautama buddha is avartar of Vishnu)
  • although Jains (- ahimsa - nonviolence) cannot eat vegetables, one of the biggest traders of onions in Mumbai is one; in Delhi they have a "Jain Bird Clinic" who only give surgery to no meat eating birds of prey as real patients, birds of prey are outpatients
  • muslim Bohras are like Jains and Hindu-Baniyas a caste of trade from Gujrat; they dont lend for interest
  • the basic law of the five months of election campaigns is the "Model Election Code", which tells how much a candidate or a political party can invest, how loud they can be etc, and also that every 1000 voters should have one polling place, which shall be less then 2 km away
  • election donations less than 20 000 Rupies dont have to be noted down in books
  • Modis catch words "Vikaas", "Maximum Governance", called Rahul Gandhi "Crownprince" and AK Anthony and A Kejriwal he called AK (like the AK 47 Kalashnikovs); presents itself as an "Mazdoor" which doesnt mean the industrial fabric worker (middle class job in India) but the day labourer, but wearing Bulgari glasses and Movado-clock, montblanc-pens
  • In Uttar Pradesh Amit Shah visited "Sammelans" (congress of caste deputy)
  • since 2014 very less percentage 3% of parlamentarians are muslims 
  • Joint family
  • 85% of indian companies are in hand of family clans
  • acc. to Sudhir Kakar an indian psychologists indian boys cannot perform Freud's break with the father
  • acc. to 2011 magazine Humsafar 70 % of homosexual men were married
  • if second child is like the first a girl she is called Nakusha (the unwanted)
  • in Haryana a woman can have many men (who are brothers)
  • Gothra is a clan
  • Khaps protect family values
  • three heads of countries who won against modi are celibatery (Bangla Banerjee, Tamil Nadus Jayalalithaa, Odishas Patnaik)
  • Modi pushed through a law which prohibited clerks and ministers to give jobs in their purview to family members 
  • state inefficiently gives money for the farmers by buying grain and selling it at Fair Price Shops; its inefficient bcs the transport industry wasnt ale to store and transport the grain so that 20% of it decayed
  • modern village-hostile ideology of J. Nehru
  • in 1980s everything was cheap and operated badly
  • up to 1993 talking via phone was a luxury
  • in 1970 a lot of industries privatized
  • 1950-1980 only 3,5% growth of economy
  • socialism in bureaucracy came along with corruption
  • since 15 years the stake/proportion of industrial production hasn't risen
  • every year 12 Mio new people ready for working, only 10% of them get jobs in the industry
  • company Cipla made Anti-HIV-Cocktails which helped to fight HIV in poor countries
  • since IBM was pushed out of India in 1978: growth of IT industry 
  • most of indian immigrants to italy are sikhs
  • "free passage indians" in Britain
  • 60 000 Gujratis in Uganda (fordced to emigrate in 1970s by military leader Idi Amin), half of them fled further to Brtain, some to USA
  • 60% of US highway rest stops are owned by families from India, 1/3 of them by the Patels (Motels = "Potels")
  • after 1972 many jewellers from Palanpur went to mumbai who dealt with foreign jewels (bcs indian mines were/are empty). As the import of cut jewels was prohibited, the Palanpuris went to Antwerpen (an old centre of jewellery, but after 1940s with death of Jews less jewellers there); the export of cut jewels transports more foreign exchange to India than the export of tea
  • Non Resident Indians (NRI); most of them in USA (3,1 Mio Indian Americans)
  • indian american dream: Rajat Gupta from Kolkata
  • Brain Drain because of Brain in the Drain in India
  • highest suicide rate in India is in female Kerala inhabitats between 20 and 40 years, bcs many husbands are away 
  • more than 70 billion Dollar a year come from foreign countries to India every year
  • NRIs with indian passport <=> People of Indian Origin  (PIOs) and "Overseas Citizens of India" (OCI) without indian passport
  •  150 000 t trash /day in India
  • 2011 53% of Indians dont have toilets (description: Naipaul; an area of darkness)
  • classical scripture "Devi Purana"prohibits Hindus to shit or pee in or around the house => RSS Hindutva people against toilets (Modi is an exception)
  • profession of toilet cleaner (Mehtar or Bhangi), still 750 000 people employed like this
  • since 1986 state tries to put up toilets, 22 billion dollars went to it in 2000 -2015
  • slum inhabitant only takes 50 l of water a day, whereas  amiddle class human takes 400 l a day; up to 50 germs are in the water; 200 000 children under 5 years old die of diarrhea every year; every second Indian woman is anemic
  • Chinas soil less fertile than Indian one; Indian Elefant once called asiatic elefant, but China didnt use them in war also since 1662; 
  • 5% of indian soil national parks
  • Vivekananda liked mother godess Kali and liked football; first asian football club 1888 in Kolkata (Mohun Bagan FC) who succeeded against england football team in 1911
  • although Gandhi didnt like Cricket he was helping to let it become the national sport. They play it also when wind is blowing; now not five day test cricket nor one day cricket but twenty20 (3 h) cricket; Sachin Tendulkar (100 runs per game, got "Bharat Ratna" in 2013, successor Dhoni from Jharkand;
  • many indian sportsmen are doped; less olympiac medals (first individual gold medail by Abhinav Bindra 2008, 108 years after the first indian membership in an olympiad) <= state isnt able to put through a collective self discipline which only recognizes performance as a critera
  • football is played in Kerala, Goa, Bengal and the North East
  • 2017 junior games football in aizawal; the team of this city won the Santosh trophy in 2014; but political problems in the "Seven sister" states in the north east; in Manipur there are 27 underground organisations within 3 Mio people; Armed forces Special Powers act (therefore Sharmila hungers since 2000); 2012 Mary Kom boxer, first female sportswoman about whom a  Bollywood film was filmed; ringers (daughers of Mahavir Phogat)
  • Kabbadi (mixture of ringing and rugby)

  • solution to inhibit male pissing against walls: putting pictures of gods on the walls
  • Kumbhakarna: whose wish was misunderstood by Brahma who gave him sleep instead of protection
  • Krishna: left friend Sudama
  • Modi used Phoolan Devi (female Dacoits, feminist icon of 1990s, murdered), Eklavya
  • Amar-Chitra Katha booklets often first contact of Indians with mythology
  • plays of "Ram Leela" by poet Tulsidas of 16th century
  • 1987 later termed the birth year of television in India (wanted to see play "RAm leela", bought Televison)
  • sceptic Romila Thapar: publically the relationship of Ram and Sita is described too positively
  • 2011 Ramanujam text "The Three Hundred Ramayanas" was prohibited in universities bcs of RSS
  • 2013 Wendy Doniger "The Hindus" was against the "religious feelings" acc. to §295a; 
  • fight between Durga and buffaloe Mahish-Asura = victory of caste Hindoos over Dalits
  • artist Tyeb Mehta
  • muslim artists Ghulam and Nilima Sheikh about hindooistic picture traditions
  • Maqbool Fida Husain died 2011 indias most famous artist; muslim
  • sufis say: truth is like a broken mirror
  • Modi promised to work 2 h a week for a clean India (for Mahatma Gandhis 150th birthday in 2019)

Saturday 19 March 2016

Die Antifarbe

Das schwärzeste Schwarz, Vantablack, besteht aus unheimlich kleinen langen Karbonröhren, die teurer sind als Gold und Diamant. 99,965% von allem Licht verschluckt es. Ob es wohl auch Lautstärke aufnehmen kann? Magnetfelder wohl nicht...unser neues schwarzes Loch...

Thursday 11 February 2016

Excerpt of Roberto Calasso: "Ardor" (2010)

Indus civilization till 1600 BCE

Vedic people
    * called themselves "Nobles" (Arya),
    * had no temples, no walls,
    * but chariots with spoked wheels and horses (innovation), whenever they stopped they build fires
     * used bricks only in order to build altars (in most complicated ritual, "Istaka", agnicayana), but they were         destroyed
     * only visible emblem of Vedic time is the sacrificial post (piece of wood sticking out of the ground)
        (called "thunderbolt", yupa), it was a sign, reminding them that they had to sacrifice animals there (who            originally walked upright and became four-legged only bcs they were terrified of sth, a story which is
         unique in antiquity)
     * thought a human should not appear naked in front of a cow bcs cow would be frightened as it would
        think the human would kill it to cloth him/herself
     * their language "samskrta" means "perfect"
     * they liked to call the heaven an "ocean" (samudra, salila)
     * thought that Brahmins' ancestors were the Seven stars of the Great Bear
      * first complete commentary of Vedas is from 14th century AD (by Sayana)
      * sought not power, but rapture
      * knew that every evil sprang from a troubled state of mind. They wanted their enemies or rivals to be               afflicted by "bad dreams" before every other infirmity (which they listed: "lack of offspring,                            homelessness, ruin"
       * thought one should never eat before your guests

39 children of Vrtra/Prajapati (=Ka, Lord of the world/creation) and Vac ("speech" = a column of water):
-    8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, 12 Adityas (gods of light), All-the-gods (visvedevah)
 -    Seven Seers (Saptrarsis) out of breath of Prajapati
 -    horse is one of Prajapatis eyes that had swollen up and then fallen out (horse sacrifice = asvamedha)
 -- seed of Prajapati coupling with daughter the sky (usha) was dangerous until it was given impulse by                Brhaspati/Savitr

cosmic balance if grain heart and first portion (seed of creator) in flesh
creator created with ardor and vision of ritual
already in Brahmanas the enemy is not Death (Mrtyu) but recurring death (punarmrtyu)

    Gods (i.a. Indra) and Anti-Gods (i.a. Soma (the food) and Agni (the devourer)):
    1) Indra king of the gods (Devas)                <=>   Brhaspati brahmin of the gods (Devas)
           Indra made life possible (killed Vrtra who kept waters inside himself with a thunderbolt (vajra)                              
                                             2) Soma intoxicating plant/juice, object of desire,
                                              abducted Brhaspatis wife Tara and became father of Budha
                                              Soma has to be purchased bcs it was stolen from the heavens - price paid to
                                              silence its keepers, the Gandharvas
                                                => war of gods (Devas) and anti-gods (Asuras)
                                                     transformed into relations between
                                                     sacrifice (male Yajna) and speech (female Vac)
                                         Speech (Vac, female) and Mind (Manas, male) aren't allowed to intercourse

   3) Fire (Agni)
  •  three fire types:  circular, square, half moon shaped, 
  • fire important to proceed into land bcs of forest, 
  • belief fire's (Agni) favorite food was butter (ghee)
  • as smoke it is Rudra, when it burns it is Varuna, when it blazes it is Indra, when it dies down its Mitra, when it glows intensely it is brahman
   to know, one must burn (ardor (tapas) is heat within the mind)
   In Brahmanas often sentence "Gods love what is secret and abhor what is obvious"
    --coitus of Indra and Viraj is wakefulness
    --world is made of Soma and Agni, the only gods who are on a continual journey btw earth and sky
    --to accept that what appears disappears into invisible they poured milk in fire every morning (agnihotra-
        ritual = most basic of all rites)

  • two birds are inside us Self (atman) and the I (aham); thinking about oneself precedes thought
  • nouns are weaker (<) than speech < mind < plan/intention < awareness/reason/becoming aware < meditation
  • waters < energy < memory < hope < breath/life 
  • truth < thought < faith in effectiveness of rites < sacrifice < joy = fullness = cosmic power             "sacrifice only when you feel joy"
  • thought that most of what exists (sat) is hidden (asat)
  • power which appears immediately after ardor is desire (kama)
  • most important is to be conscious/ aware ("budh-" = "to pay attention", "to awaken" => buddha), desire = fire, when all desire exstinguished then awakening begins, to become brahman one has to awake (in agnyadheya ritual one has to stay awake for one night) 
  • Rgveda = poetry, Upanishads = metaphysical texts, Brahmans = gesture, ritual texts, oldest examples of Indo-European prose
  • Rta and satya are a couple: "truth" (Rta: order, in "dharma" meaning of "order" is clothed by that of "law")

Sacrifice (Yajna) (officiant at the sacrifice who utters the right formulas (hotr), invocation "Svaha" (sva=own, aha=spoken) (Vedic people thought that to act is to sacrifice), the oldest Indian type of sacred architecture, both enclosed and roofed, is the sadas, the hut where sacrificer or the initiand spends the night before starting the liturgical acts),
  • three fencing stakes are added around the fire (symbol of first three Agnis, the first dead gods, recalls that dead gods are absent); 
  • yajus = formulas recited during sacrifice, mantras = verse formulas, Gayatri meter only verses in that meter give power
  • ritual fee (daksina) is the origin of money and also a form of Vac (speech)
  • altar is a woman with perfect proportions and fire is her lover => every sacrificial act is interwoven with a sexual act; during a soma sacrifice the wife of the sacrificer had to do two erotic gestures: exchanging glances with the udgatr (chanter) three times and exposing her right thigh three times, pouring "pannejani" water over it, had to look at the ghee, which symbolises the seed; invocation cry (vasat) "May Agni conduct you to the gods!" is the orgasm; in the hymn of Vrsakapi, the monkey man, Indra is mocked with sexual bawdiness
  • libation in every sacrificce and came from India to Rome (acc. to Ovid); whole Brahmana is a play on the word "graha" (grasper, holder, influence, draught, libation); 
  • water in sacrifice (pouring in fire) has sexual purpose (water take on human language, bcs water protects embryo) 
  • a thousand-year-long rite (sattra), gavamayana (march of the cows) lasts only one year today
  • Sun = death (suns first name was "dead egg" = Matranda, last child of Aditi (Limitless) after having given birth to Adityas)
  • rest of sacrifice: form of a snake, called Sesa, Residue and also Ananta, Infinite; earth is the residue of the sacrifice, when the Gods left the earth, Siva was Rudra and excluded; samnyasin "renouncer" is the equivalent of a archetypal "individual" in the Western sense, human sacrifice of horse sacrifice, with the difference, that sacrificer didn't had to be a king, it sufficed to be "only" Brahim, fire within, version
  • "renunciation" (means following a stage of life (an asrama)) whereas "detachment" (tyaaga) is a mental attitude that can pertain to any stage of life
  • "Lead me from non-being into being" is ritual formulation recited during the soma sacrifice
  • rna (debt) and rta (word order): debt is born out of order, and given back to order
  • "sattra" is the most extreme, esoteric, all-pervading rite in the Vedic liturgy for its conception, its based on the number 12
  • food of gods are "vows"
  • the dark spots on the moon are places of worship, bcs Devas decided to take various sacrificial altars to the moon
  • "appeasing the victim" = strangling the vicitm, before they tell "Make it consent!" instead of "Kill it!"
  • it was vital that no other sacrificer was celebrating his sacrificing in a place too close (at least a days journe by horse distance)
  • every sacrifice is a journey, at the end bath (avabhrtha)
  • celebration of a rite beginns with the crossing of the ocean (thats the origin of the "ghat"s, flight of steps, which marks every beginning)
  • in order to mitigate the guilt which those who sacrifice laden on themselves, they put grass on the altar
  • sacrifice is an interrupted suicide - there is one ritual where the sacrificer has to die
  • only Shiva can crush Desire (Kama), and only Desire (Kama) can wound Shiva
  • the Maori noblewoen wore a talisman of jade around their neck ("Tiki"), stylized fetus but also phallus, symbol of macrocosm and microcosm, of God
  • in Delphi they thought that possession is the origin of knowledge
  • "medha" is sacrifical essence that circulates in the world like water
  • the black antelope (Mrga) cannot be sacrificed (Land of aryans = Land where the black antelope roams); antelope is Orion/Prajapati, shot by Sirius/Rudra's arrow, only five domestic animals, including man can be sacrificed; foundation of civilization is the fleeing of the antelope from sacrifice

Saturday 29 September 2012


Thoughts evaporate and glomerate and flow in the veins

I hope they’ll
Run through the whole of my heart to you
If only there was a pipe
To catch the thoughts
That are streaming 

Days without you are like a penalty
Like coal boiling in your vains
Solving not the breath
Circulating nervously along a stake down
To Acheron 

Monday 30 April 2012

Orationi tuae condimenta - Spice for your speech - Examples of Roman's thinking

The Egyptian-Greek-Roman God of Silence, Harpocrates

If you want to “untie your gullet”- to open your mouth to say something, which is different from the “earlier” – ordinary- , “rubbed off” - worn off - phrases, you can find plenty of inspiration in foreign languages like Latin.

If you think “Oh no!”, then stop reading after having said this in Latin: “Ei” or “Euheu”!

But if you say  “Ei mihi”- Woe is me - because you “lead fire” and “love of someone has come”  - because you have fallen in love with someone that is -you’ll find examples, which will ”attach you with amusement” – amuse you-  in order to express things concerning that now:

-          Are you saying “Thanks to your superb efficiency” - Well done! – and are you “leading a move with a sigh” – sigh - every time you get to know things done by him or her?
-          Are you “carrying the spirit” - feel like doing - to “join kisses” - to give kisses - with him or her and give “honey sweet bites” to him or her?
-          Do you want to “go to sea” - have sex -, being accompanied by “running winds” with you “hanging on the wave”- swimming on the comb of the wave ; do you want to “beat the air with pressed out water” -  to sprinkle with a fountain?
-          Are you “attaching a song of the swans” - a song of suit or courtship - to your beloved?
-         Are you trying to improve your outlook after having looked at your picture in the mirror, which was “struck back through the air”, and are you beginning to arrange your clothes, which are “bitten by the braces” – or clasped by them - in another way?
-          Are you trying to “catch the commandments” – satisfy the regulations – of other people giving you love advice?
Then hopefully those things won’t happen to you:

-          You should not lead the boat into a “rushing river” where another person fallen in love with him or her lives – a rival (= living on the river = rivus in Latin) that is.  
-          You should not “lead a box on the ear “of your rival, but “act with the peace of others” – act without offending someone
-          Hopefully the adored person “sows no trouble” by “deceiving your face” – cheating you
-          Hopefully you won’t “become soft of love”  - become ill because of love-, because of having difficulty “picking the air” – breathing”  and having a “narrow breath” – being short of breath - because you “were burnt by love
-          You should not “accept the iron” – accept the deathblow by a sword, if you “have a damaged thing” – if you are in an awkward situation. 
 If the other person does not love you, you might try to “lead the adored person to your opinion”, by “throwing yourself back and forth” – by boasting that is – in order to “brake him or her by your alleged reputation” – in order to convince him or her of yourself.
 Don’t end up like Daphne or Callisto: hunting but not wanting to love at all.

Some References:
·         “damaged thing” (res adflicta, Caesar de bello Gallico) =  “awkward situation”
·         “to lead someone to your opinion”  = “you convince somebody of something”
·        “to lead somebody through a box on the ear” (alapa ducere, Gregorius Magnus, Vita benedicti)= “to hit somebody”
·         urere alqm = to turn somebody’s head
·         To do something with the peace of somebody else (Cic Milone Oratio, aliquid pace tua agere): You do something without offending somebody else
·         aliquis trahit ignes (you fall in love if you are leading Fire)
·         to knock/beat the air with pressed out water = to sprinkle with a fountain (Ovid, Metamorphosen) (pulsare aera expressis aquis)
·         ferrum recipere (= to accept the deathblow) (Cicero, tusculanae)
·         to assume a face = fingere vultum = to show a beeming smile (Metamorphosen, Ovid)
·         love of something comes (amor alicuius venit) love is awakening (Tacitus Annales)
·         if you have a feeling, you are attached by it (affici) (to put into a mood = to be  attached with soul = animis adfici)
·          Sing songs to so. = to attach someone with songs
·         If you are short of breath, then your breath is narrow (spiritus angustus est)
·         Well done! = Thanks to your superb efficiency! (Macte virtute! Cicero, Tusculanen)
·         you do not convince somebody with your reputation, but you brake him (auctoritate frangere, Cicero, Tusculanae)
·         to pick the air = to breathe (Vergil, Aeneis)= to reciprocate the air (reciprocare animam)
·         To ask for trouble = to sow trouble (serere certamina, Livius, ab urbe)
·         Limata oratio = rasped speech (Cicero De oratore)
·         Animus ferre (Ovid, Metamorphoseon, I, 775) = to feel like doing, to fancy  Literal. “to carry the spirit”
·         Fauces resolvere (Ovid, Metamorphoeson, III, 282) = to open the mouth, Literal “to untie the abysm/gullet”
·         Oscula iungere (Ovid , M. II, 357) = give kisses
·         Trahere motu suspiria (Ovid II, 753) sigh
·         Decipere ora alicuius (Ovid, Metamorphosen VII, 783) = to lead somebody around by the nose
·         Trahere in exemplumalqm.  = to model oneself on someone (Vergil, Aeneis VIII, 245)
·         Fibula mordit = braces bite = braces clasp (Vergil, Aeneis VIII, 318)
·         Flumen currit  = riverruns = riverflows (Vergil, Aeneis, VIII 560)
·         summo in fluctu pendere = to swim on top of the wave (Vergil Aeneis I, 106)
·         iussa capessere = to fulfill prescriptions
·         venti ruunt = it's storming, storms are blustering
·         to go to sea = to have sex
·         Urere alqm= to turn somebody's head (Piccolomini, Euryalus u. Lucretia)
·         Amore languere = to get sick of love
·         Melliflui morsus = bites which are sweet as honey
·         Komos = song of swans, Comedy, Song of courtship/suit