Saturday, 16 July 2016

Summary of "Selbst denken. Eine Anleitung zum Widerstand" of Harald Welzer (2013)

* most powerful NGO of Germany is the ADAC
* 30-40% of food is thrown away in USA and Europe respectively
* for car races like Formel 1 in Bahrain the sand is glued together with a chemical substances in order to prevent it from falling into the faces of the drivers
* countries with natural resources (called "storehouses of matter" by Isaac Newton) important for industry
  thesis of Robert Solow, the 1974 nobel price winner for economy, that humanity can live without natural resources
* (bio capacity : ecological footprint) times 365 = overshoot-day
* "Einsicht dringt meist nicht bis zum Verhalten vor, weil das Verhalten nicht auf Einsicht beruht."
* Jeremy Rifkin is a restless saviour of the world and travels to politicians in order to tell them it is important to protect the climate
* since Shell tried to bury oil platform in the sea ("Brent Spar") in 1995 which was prevented by Greenpeace the focus of attention of industrial entrepreneurs was the prevention of inhuman production conditions => less work of children (GAP, NIKE; Apple: Foxconn)
* capitalist symbols (like brands Gucci, Versace) make people who are critical in the beginning in regard to the system (i.e. Sex Pistols) tradeable and therefore not critical (Bob Geldof, Bono's music)
* one can do "Carrot mobs" to sustain stores
* the consuming one isnt consuming but is consumed by product (thesis of Hartmut Rosa)
* the less amount of a ressource is available the higher the price => standing ovations at the Chicago trade market for raw materials (CBOT) in the case of a crop failure
* cars are not a lot more ecological destructive than horses (or seen as better in the beginning): they had to be fed from land which could have given eight humans the same food as one horse, and their dung was on the street
* every day 100 species go extinct, 50 000 hectare forest is cleared
* Andy Warhols prognosis:sometime everybody will be a star for 15 Minutes

* lifestyle of letting go (LORAF: Lifestyle of Relief and Fun)
* Recycling
* school system of learning units so that 15 year olds teach 11 year olds i.a.

* Thesis of Steven Pinker 2011 (author of book "Gewalt"): globally there was a trend to less violence: wars of 20th century: 180 Mio. people killed, but in premodern societies 13% of all people died of violence
* the concept of "Salutogenese" (german), the evolution of health, was invented by Aaron Antonovsky

* Wikipedia founded in 2001
* open furniture design project by Ronen Kadushin : Sketch-Chair project;
Open Architecture Network; Projekt Architecture for Humanity;
* coperative cloths network: "OpenWear";
Open Prosthetics Project
*,; Attac, MacPlanet
*Upcycling: Hertforder Recycling exchange
* micro credits like 1983 founded Grameen Bank takes high interest (20-40%)
* problem of brain artist Schereschewskij to be able to remember everything
* story of Bionade till 2011

negative sides
* in 1920s producers of lightbulbs found that it isnt profitable to build long lasting light bulbs: 1924: no bulb should last longer than 1000 hours (
* 1938 a audio drama/radio play of H.G. Wells' "Krieg der Welten" about an Invasion from space made 2 Million Americans thought it was real and ran to the streets, telephone lines were blocked for hours

*12.11.2008 a New York Times edition with only good (made up) news by Yes Men Igor Vamos and Jacques Servin
* Green Music Initiative made Discos with bikes etc.
* Ilona Parsch made an ecological friendly cleansing agent made of beetroot

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