Monday 23 April 2012

How to behave at a first date – according to Ovid

You might try the over two thousand years old advice of Ovid, written down in his "Ars amatoria" (The art of loving):
- adjust the clothes of the other person, if they are dragging over the floor for example; remove dust or pretending to remove dust from the other person's clothes
- play footsie with the other person
- watch a play and be in raptures about every allusion to love and sex
- drink a lot of alcohol
- bribe the friend of your date with promises and requests
- don’t have a date on the 1st of April, on days on which you are obliged to present sth. as Christmas, Easter, Chanukka, Eid/Id etc., and therefore prefer days on which shops are closed
- begin to court someone by sending letters and be persistent
- follow the other person, who is going for a walk
- talk with signs, your eyebrows etc.
- know what you want, and be sure that words will follow
- pretend to be in love, give promises
- kiss the other person even if she/he shows signs of unwillingness, as that restraint is often just pretended 
- win farouche persons by exercising restraint and beginning with friendship
- first show the other person absolute attention and let her/him then know, that he/she has a rival

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